Research Support

Research support services at Providence are organized in the PHC Office of the Vice President, Research & Academic Affairs, and the Providence Research Facilitation Office. These offices provide services to all researchers at Providence Health Care.

A woman sits at a desk and smiles at the camera

Research Ethics Board Administration

Providence Research provides support to the Providence Health Care / UBC Research Ethics Board (REB). Any research involving humans at Providence must be reviewed by the REB. Applications for clinical research are submitted to the REB through the Research Facilitation Office. The forms, guidelines, submission deadlines and schedule of REB meetings are available on this site under the Ethics section.

More on Ethical Reviews

Management of UBC-PHC Research Ethics Board:

  • Administers PHC REB decisions and communicates them to the research community
  • Responds to inquiries on applications and ethical issues
  • Advises researchers on regulatory and Tri-Council Policy Statement requirements for conducting research involving humans, material, or information derived from humans, as well as specific UBC policies, standards and requirements.

Hospital Approvals for Ethics Submissions:

  • Manages issuance of institutional approvals for human subject research, granted upon receipt of ethics approval, hospital department and/or service approvals, completed contracts and payment of REB review fees.

Contract Services and Grant Administration

Providence Research is responsible for the promotion and management of all sponsored research arrangements such as research chairs, research grants, investigator initiated clinical trials and industry sponsored clinical trials  for researchers located at all Providence Health Care (PHC) hospitals affiliated with The University of British Columbia (UBC) and Simon Fraser University (SFU).

This includes negotiating, managing and administering industry-sponsored clinical trials; and, administering all other research projects located at PHC.

More on Contracts and Grants

For Contracts, the Research Facilitation Office:

  • Negotiates and manages all industry-sponsored research agreements, as well as agreements with government and other academic institutions
  • Coordinates with UBC University-Industry Liaison Office’s Sponsored Research Group
  • Responds to clinical trial agreement inquiries
  • Liaises between UBC, UILO and Providence Research
  • Provides support to the Clinical Trials Network Group
  • Provides educational workshops for clinical coordinators and hospital staff

For Grants, the Research Facilitation Office:

  • Facilitates grant applications and assists in obtaining institutional signatures
  • Coordinates and manages institutional applications (e.g. CFI, MSFHR) and internal award competitions
  • Maintains institutional research statistics
  • Identifies funding opportunities.

Research Promotion, Communication and Education

The Research Facilitation Office:

  • Identifies events and funding opportunities for Providence researchers
  • Facilitates the funding application process
  • Facilitates knowledge transfer to researchers, care providers, policy-makers, private industry and the public
  • Promotes educational opportunities for researchers and trainees
  • Maintains Researcher Directory
  • Maintains Providence Research internet and intranet websites
  • Organizes special events, training and educational workshops. 
  • Facilitates access to library and database resources. 

Finance and Human Resources

The Research Facilitation Office:

  • Provides financial accountability of research funds held at St. Paul’s Hospital
  • Provides monthly statements for research trust account holders
  • Supports hiring and management of employees of research programs
  • Develops Human Resources and Finance Policies and procedures.