Ree, Ron

Resident Site Coordinator, TEE Specialist, PHC Department of Anesthesia | Anesthesiologist, Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, UBC Faculty of Medicine
Area of focus
Ron attended medical school at UBC in his hometown of Vancouver. He then completed a Family Medicine at Queen's University, where he discovered anesthesia and completed an FPA year. He moved back to BC to work as a rural FP-anesthetist in the town of Sechelt. After four years of practice, he re-entered and completed residency training in Anesthesiology at UBC and then a Cardiac Anesthesia fellowship at St. Paul's Hospital, where he currently practices. His professional and academic interests include cardiac anesthesia, regional anesthesia, and perioperative medicine. He is also involved in Indigenous Wellness and Reconciliation initiatives at Providence Health Care.