
Biobanks are collections of biological samples that have been donated for research, including blood, tissue and DNA. Providence Research biobanks provide valuable resources for our scientists to empower discoveries that improve healthcare and accelerate medical advancements.

Shelves with boxes of specimens

About the Biobank

The Providence Research Biobank is a collection of investigator-led biobanks with the common goal of supporting and accelerating research activities to improve the health of our community.

The Biobank contains thousands of biospecimens and related clinical data to support research ethics board-approved studies. Resources include biospecimens related to COVID-19, heart health, lung health, kidney health, brain health, substance use, and more. 

Two significant biobanks at Providence Research are the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation's Bruce McManus Cardiovascular Biobank, which has one of the largest collections of explanted hearts and heart valves in Canada, and the James Hogg Lung Biobank, one of the largest lung tissue biobanks in Western Canada.

A look inside Providence Research biobanks

"A unique resource in the world."

Read it here!
A bank of refrigerators

Requesting Biospecimens

To learn more about the tissue and biofluid specimens available please contact us at from your institutional/business email account.

Resources for New Biobanks

For UBC-affiliated researchers, please use the Faculty of Medicine instance of OpenSpecimen and select PHC as the “Health Organization” on the Request Form.*

For UBC-affiliated researchers, please use the Faculty of Medicine instance of REDCap.*

*Software instances with prior review and approval by PHC Privacy Office