Apply for Ethical Review
Information about applying for ethical review, including what to do before you apply, how to apply and what to expect after you apply.

The current Tri Council Policy Statement defines research as “an undertaking intended to extend knowledge through a disciplined inquiry or systematic investigation” and states that quality assurance studies, performance reviews, or testing within normal educational requirements do not normally require review, unless they include an element of research and the findings will be published or presented at a conference. The Tri Council Policy Statement, article 2.5, further defines quality assurance studies as studies related directly to assessing the performance of an organization or its employees or students, within the mandate of the organization or according to the terms and conditions of employment or training.
How to Apply
A study which is simply quality assurance and not research does not require ethical review. Intention to publish the findings is not the litmus test for determining whether something is research or quality assurance.
Do I Need to Apply for Ethical Review?
The Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health Care research institutes (VCHRI and Providence Research, respectively) have developed a checklist to help researchers determine whether their quality improvement (including quality assurance and program evaluation) projects should be reviewed by a research ethics board before initiating the project.
The “VCH/PHC QI & REB Review Checklist" tool can be downloaded here. We encourage you to read through the document, and to incorporate the completion of this checklist into their project preparation.
The decision support tools found on the ARECCI (Alberta Research Ethics Community Consensus Initiative) may also benefit in planning your Quality Improvement and Evaluation projects.
If there is any doubt as to whether your research requires review, we recommend that you consult with the Board or, alternatively, submit an application. None of UBC’s affiliated REBs will review or acknowledge research that has already been conducted.
Application Process
Please review the document below before you apply.
Once you've reviewed the process document, please complete the following steps:
1. Register with RISe
2. Complete the Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS2) Online Tutorial
Types of Fees
Read more about the types of fees that may applicable to you.
Ethical Review Fees
Sponsored Research Fees
Renewal Fees
Forms and Guidance Notes
Please review the following forms and guidance notes concerning clinical policy and procedures.
Clinical Forms and Guidance
Guidance Notes
- Clinical Guidance Notes
- RISe Clinical application Guidance Notes
- UBC Policy on Mandatory Tissue Banking - September 15, 2015
- Interim Guidance Notes on Incidental Findings in Genetic and Genomic Research - October 6, 2020
- Guidance Notes for Radiation Exposure - June 29, 2012
- Guidance Notes for Research Databases and Registries
- Guidance Notes for Research Involving Human Biological Materials - May 2016
- Peer-Scientific Review Template - March 2017
- Policy on Exclusion of Research Participants based on Language - January 2017
- Guidance for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Guidance for Use of REDCap: REDCap FoM | REDCap ARC
Guidance Notes Post Approval Activities
- Guidance Notes for Annual Renewals
- Failure to Comply with Requirements for Annual Renewal
- Fee for Annual Renewal
- Guidance Notes for Amendments
- Guidance Notes for Request for Acknowledgement
- Guidance Notes for Notification of Study Closure
- Guidance Notes for Protocol Deviations
- Guidance Notes for Reporting Unanticipated Problems
- Sample of Basic Periodic Safety Summary Report
Activities that fall under behavioural or social sciences/humanities include: research that may involve the study of patients or health care providers. Behavioural studies are not clinical and do not involve invasive procedures. They do include research involving interviews, observations and the administration of questionnaires or tests.
Behavioral Research will be reviewed by the UBC Behavioral Research Ethics Board or other affiliated REB.
Institutional Approvals
Studies taking place within PHC which use patient or other client populations, access medical or other records, or impact PHC clinical or other service resources in any way, require approvals in addition to REB approval before the research starts. The approval process ensures that all research involving humans at Providence Health Care are reviewed with respect to ethical, safety, legal and physical considerations.
Certificates of Approval
Required Documentation
Approval Contact
Providence Health Care Hospital Approvals
Please contact the following individuals to obtain hospital approvals (departments listed in alphabetical order below). Each hospital department or service area will advise you of their specific requirements for approval of the research project.
List of Approval Contacts by Department
Application Tips
Looking for support with your application? Refer to our application tips.
Peer Review
United States Regulations
Proviso/Deferral Response
RISe Application Form
Version Dates
Data Retention
Study Completion
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the ethical review process.
How do I know if the Department Head has approved the application?
When can I expect my application to be approved?
How do I get access to RISe?
Do I have to submit separate applications for different hospital sites?
Who should I put as the Principal Investigator?
Does my Quality Improvement project require ethical review?
How do I register my clinical trial?
What does the REB require for a research protocol/plan?
How will I find out if my study has been approved?